Monday 2 May 2011

Electroliquid Aggregation

"Freud's severe medical problems led him to believe that he was an artificial construct."

-Sigmund Freud

The mind is always known to be powerful. It can invent some amazing things. It can also be the root of its own destruction. When delving too deep into ones mind, we find flaws and a bottomless pit of self-discovery that can become overwhelming.

"She was modelled from a combination of polygons."

-Maria Agnesi

Agnesi was a brilliant mathematician whose life was surrounded by complex numbers anf figures. She managed to create a world for herself where she was submerged in statistics and algebra. As a result, she eventually developed a mind that was attuned to seeing things mathematically. She believed that the human form could be conceived entirely of intangible masses such as numbers.

The concept of electroliquid aggregation is the fluid adaptiveness of two differing components and merging into one entity. The formed substance holds characteristics of both components, and still manages to create its own traits on top. The combination allows the more powerful attributes of the objects to transcend through the contrast.  

"It seems that the transcended mind perceives the human form as a degenerated fusion of inconceivable complexity..."

The mind is limitless in its bounds. We usually take the constructive path to success and progress. However, under extreme circumstances, where the mind is utilised in a completely new way, we venture deeper into the mind itself and can become lost in ourselves. The two Clients, Agnesi and Freud, had immensely brilliant minds, but through this they were attuned to seeing more than the normal individual. The average human uses only a tiny fraction of the mind, and we seem to have tunnel vision.

Where the mind is more powerful, we create. The structure I have created portrays this effectively.

The two columns show the two minds of Agnesi and Freud being present in the scene, and how much more laterally they think compared to the rest of the structure (the rest of humanity). There are holes going through them, which explains that they are oblivious tot he traits of the normal world, and all constraints of society go straight through them.

The steps taken from one corner to the other represent the journey that the mind takes in order to transcend normal living. It shows that we don't actually 'rise', but actually delve 'deeper' into our minds in order to become more philosophical. It further represents that as the overall humanity strives to become more advanced, we actually become less human and more programmed. More easily persuaded by a twisted mind.

My created hypothesis also reflects the age-old proverb "Ignorance is Bliss". The simpler that you live your life, the more enjoyment you will have. Life is not about discovering everything there is to know, but rather keep it simple and relax. The more you learn, the more you WANT to learn. And hence become trapped in a downward spiral of wanting to know more. And the sad thing is there is no bottom to the spiral. No one ever comes back up with a concious mind.

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