Wednesday 15 June 2011

Experiment 3: Uploads

Crysis Files


Sketch Up Models

  • Gaga's Lab
  • Gaga's Elevator - Microphone
  • Gaga's Bridge - Piano
  • Ive's Lab
  • Ive's Elevator - Scroll Wheel
  • Ive's bridge - Keyboard
  • Dining Table
  • Ramp Jump
In-Game Controls
  • t = Gaga's Bridge - Piano Lid Open
  • b = Gaga's Bridge - Piano Keys Play
  • u = Gaga's Elevator - Microphone Accumulation and movement
  • o = Ive's Bridge - Keyboard keys move up to 2nd level
  • y = Ive's Elevator - Scroll Wheel descends
  • i = Secret Rock Entry to Meeting Place- Move rock up + NightVision Goggles
  • p = Secret Rock Entry to Meeting Place- Move rock down
  • h = Meeting Table - Construction of Table of Power

Experiment 3: Video Submissions

Experiment 3: Clients

Experiment 3: Environment

Experiment 3: Textures

Experiment 3: Trial Elevator