Wednesday 2 March 2011

Introduction to ARCH 1101
1. My Best Piece of Creative Work; LOVE
Me and some friends from high school designed a key chain/necklace with the word LOVE on it. The design process was long and we had to send the plans to China to be mass-produced. At first we were intending to sell them as a business venture, but it turned out that we ended up giving them to those who were closest to us. So essentially, we gave our LOVE to our family and friends :)

2. Great Piece of Architecture; Fallingwater
[Fallingwater: fall photo]
This building alone stands as the reason why I turned to architecture at a young age. As a child I remember being in awe of its ability to both blend in with nature yet still be so bold. Even the design process to allow the waterfall to continue through it amazed me, and I credit this house as why I began to love the concept of architecture.

3. Beautiful Photograph; Switzerland
Switzerland is the most beautiful place in the world. Although I've only seen in pictures, the dramatic landscape, the vast green pastures and solitary shacks develops a sense of belonging in me. The picture 'feels' quiet, relaxing; the perfect place to live simply in my own world. The backgrounded snowscaping brings a mystical feel to the location, and I constantly feel dwarved by the natural rock skyscrapers to keep me in check of how small we really are as humans compared to the world around us. 

1. Ron MUECK; introvert, immersed, disturbing

2. david MALANGI; earth, nurturing, cyclical
David MALANGI DAYMIRRINGU | Dhamala Story (Sea Eagle, Catfish and King Brown Snake)

3. BANSKY; justice, urge, rebelling

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