Saturday 5 March 2011

Artist-Section Sketches
 I like the top right sketch. It combines Disturbed above the datum and Earth below it. The contrast between the materials and textures develop a great concept and grasp on sections and the datum.
 Also in my favourites are the bottom right one, which has Introvert above the datum and Nurturing below. The combination seems to create a factory/industry-looking section.

A brief sketch on the train sectioning a seat on the platform.

I found this exercise in the studio to be quite challenging at first. It is hard to envisage a word as a physical object/shape. On top of that, processing this in your mind to make a section makes a challenging exercise. After a few sketches I managed to produce a few satisfactory sections which use the datum as either a grounds for contrast or similarity between the two chosen words. Next step is to develop these into 3D models using Google SketchUp.

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